Original verzia (SK) :
Ou, okej, ou, Ego, Róbert Burian
neseď doma pri kompe poď s nami von (poď so mnou von)
ži, raz, tu, teraz,
slnko svieti rovnako na nás,
všetkých spolu od jazier k moru,
poď von pozývam na kofolu,
leto je to moje milované obdobie,
som v pohode, si tu so mnou že?
tak smej sa na mňa, tancuj blízko,
vieš jak minule, presne tak isto
tak odložme mikiny, kostímy saká,
pláže bikiny leto nás čaká
farby kvetov, letia vzduchom,
čo vietor sfúkol v žiari lúčov
2x žijeme len raz, práve tu a práve teraz,
slnko svieti rovnako na všetkých z nás tak sa nemrač ale zabudni na stres, zabudni čo tu bolo včera, dneska je tu další deň, voda, slnko, párty, club, relax
aspoň raz to nerobme, len pre lóve, preži to!
urobme to pre lóve, party smiech a zážitok
toto je hudba tak toto je mier,
toto je pohoda tak to tomu ver,
toto je hudba tak toto je mier,
toto je leto jak má byť tomu ver
tráva, písek, nebo je modré,
blíska sa na časy dobré,
slnko hreje, na dušiach kto chce,
zahoj svoje zlomené srdce,
čas, nádej splnených snov
poletím za ňou letnou oblohou,
dj popper zahraj túto nech hrá vám do všetkých kútov
1x žijeme len raz, práve tu a práve teraz, slnko svieti rovnako na všetkých z nás tak sa nemrač ale zabudni na stres, zabudni čo tu bolo včera, dneska je tu další deň, voda, slnko, párty, club, relax
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou,
heeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou
hej hou hej hou hej hej hej hej
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou,
heeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou
hej hou hej hou hej hej hej hej
zdraví vás robert burian, zdraví vás ego, naladení na tvoje rádio DJ iphone a práve preto chcem všetkým zaželať to najkrajšie leto, aj keby náhodou pršalo tak sa stretneme pod jednou strechou a odpálime tú najmocnejšiu párty spolu!
(hop hop hop hop) pome všetci čo sú tu!(hop hop hop hop) pome s nami celý klub!(hop hop hop hop) pome všetci s nami aj tie baby bez vás sme nahraný,
pome skáče celý klub!(hop hop hop hop) pome skáče celý byt!(hop hop hop hop) pome skáče celé auto! (hop hop hop hop)pome skáčeš s nami ty! (hop hop) non stop! pome skáče s nami všetko! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou,
heeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou
hej hou hej hou hej hej hej hej
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou,
heeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou
hej hou hej hou hej hej hej hej
English version (EN) :
Oh, okay, oh, Ego, Robert Burian
Do not sit at home with competence come out with us (come with me out)
live, once here, now,
the sun shines equally on us,
all along the lakes to the sea,
invite you to come out of cola,
Summer is my beloved period
I'm fine, you're here with me right?
to laugh at me, dance close
You know how last time, exactly the same
so odložme sweatshirts, jackets kostímy,
summer bikini beach waiting for us
colors of flowers, flying through the air,
the wind blew in the beams shines
2 only live once, right here and right now,
the sun shines equally on all of us so nemrač but forget stress, forget what you were yesterday, today, there is another day, water, sun, party, club, relax
But let's at least once, just to love, to survive!
Let's do it for love, laughter and party experience
this is music so this is peace,
This is a comfort to believe it,
this is music so this is peace,
this summer is how it should be ver
grass, sand, or blue,
blisko the good times,
sun heats the soul who wants
heal my broken heart
time, hope fulfilled dreams
I go for her summer sky,
popper dj Play that let you play in all corners
1 only live once, right here and right now the sun shines equally on all of us so nemrač but forget stress, forget what you were yesterday, today, there is another day, water, sun, party, club, relax
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou,
heeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou
hey ho hey ho hey hey hey hey
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou,
heeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou
hey ho hey ho hey hey hey hey
Robert Burian your health, your health, ego, tuned to your radio DJ iphone and that is why I want to wish all the beautiful summer, even if by accident it was raining so we can meet under one roof and hit the most powerful party together!
(Hop hop hop hop) all the oranges are here! (Hop hop hop hop) oranges with us the whole club! (Hop hop hop hop) oranges with us all the baby without you we recorded,
pome jumping the whole club! (hop hop hop hop), jumping oranges whole apartment! (hop hop hop hop), jumping oranges whole car! (Hop hop hop hop) oranges you jump with us! (Hop hop) non stop! pome jumps with us all! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou,
heeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou
hey ho hey ho hey hey hey hey
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou,
heeeeeeeeeeej, hooooooooou
hey ho hey ho hey hey hey hey
By Bells*
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