I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can't ever be brave
Cause you make my heart race
Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breath
Something's gotta give now
Cause I'm dying just to make you see
That I need you here with me now
Cause you've got that one thing
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing
Now I'm climbing the walls
But you don't notice at all
That I'm going out of my mind
All day and all night
Somethings gotta get loud
Cause I'm dying just to know your name
And I need you here with me now
Cause you've got that one thing
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
So get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that thing
You've got that one thing
Get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
So get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing
streda 29. februára 2012
nedeľa 26. februára 2012
Brit Awards 2012
A je to tu!V tento utorok sa práve o 21:00 britského času začalo odovzdávanie cien Brit Awards,kde nechábali hviezdy ako Adele,Rihanna,Nicki Minaj,Lana Del Ray,Ed Sheeran,One Direction a tiež ako hostia prišli napríklad Nicole Scherzinger,Jessie J či Tanya Tempah a monohí další.Ako aj minulý týždeň na Grammy Awards 2012,vyhrala cenu najlepšia sólová speváčka a taktiež cenu za najlepší Britský album roka- 21.A práve Adele si z Brit Awards odniesla okrem dvoch sošiek aj riadny trapas,ked sa snažila dokončiť sovú ďakovnú reč mierenú k fanúšikom a moderátor James Corden jej prerušil jej reč práve ked chcela dokončiť reč slovami "Nič ma nemohlo poctiť viac ako to, že po návrate domov so šiestimi cenami Grammy som tu na Brit Awards vyhrala album roka. Som veľmi hrdá, že som Britka a že môžem viať našou vlajkou,",povedala Adele,no nedokončila reč,pretože už nemali čas na jej dalšie slová a tak Adele prerušili,čo malo za následok jej slová "Môžem už len povedať: Dovidenia, uvidíme sa niekedy nabudúce?" a na reakciu publika vztýčila postredník,ktorý však nemal byť mierení fanúšikom ale organizácie Brit Awards.„Ospravedlňujem sa, keď som niekoho urazila. Chcela som len poďakovať svojmím ľuďom a poslucháčom za podporu, čo mi neumožnili. Nebolo to fanúšikom, ale usporiadateľom,“ povedala ako ospravedlnenie pre fanúšikov,čo so značnou mierou prijali ako ospredlnenie a svojmu idolu tak dali tak potlesk.Naopak sošku najlepší mužský sólový interpret získal spevák Ed Sheeran,ktorý získal aj sošku za nečakaný obajv na hudobenj scéne a týmto sa soškami rovnal aj spomínanej Adele,ktorá má však o prešľap viac.Brit za najlepšiu Britskú skupiny vyhrali skupina Coldplay.Za najlepší Britský singel získali sošku prekvapivo Britská skupina One Direction s jej výbornou skladbou "What makes you beautiful",čo mňa obzvášť potešilo.Mnohí by na túto kolónku tipovali výťazov ako Adele-Someone like you alebo Jessie J-Price tag,no táto Britská skupina ich prekonala,čo značí že,im dalej pôjde karta,tak snád sa v budúcnosti dočkáme dalších sošiek tejto populárnej skupiny.Minulý týždeň som Vám v článku Grammy písala,že speváka Bruno Marsa tipovali na víťaza do viacerých kategórii,no ani jedna soška sa mu v tento večer neušla.Naopak to však bolo u Brit,kde získal sošku v kategóŕii Medzinárodný mužský interpret.Gratulácia,Bruno :).V kategrii Medzinárodný ženský sólový interpret boli nominované hviezdy ako Lady Gaga či Beyoncé,no sošku zaslúžene získala speváčka z Barbarosi Rihanna.Sošku získala vdaka úspešným singlom ako "We found love"či "You da one".Svoje ocenenie v kategórii Medzinárodná skupina získala prvenstvo zaslúžene úspešná kapela Foo Fighters.Prekvapenie však bola speváška Lana Del Rey,ktorá získala cenu Medzinárodný objav.Ja osobne som čakala že túto sošku získa Nicki Minaj,vzľadom na jej úspešný singel "Super Bass" či najnovšia pieseň v spoluprácii s DJ-om Davidom Guettom "Turn me on",no Lana Del Rey je naozaj skokan roka,takže cena jej patrí naozaj zaslúžene.Toľko k Brit Awards.Kto mapotešil najviac?Jednoznačne milovaní One Direction,ale rada som zo všetkých ocení a prajem všetkým ešte veľa veľa úspechov. :-)
P.S:Minulý aj tento týždeň som tak trošku zrušila News,pretože boli tieto hudobné ceny(Grammy and Brit Awards 2012) a bolo noviniek viac než dosť takže nabudúci týždeň sa budem snažiť tieto príspevky obnoviť :-)
By Bells :-)
P.S:Minulý aj tento týždeň som tak trošku zrušila News,pretože boli tieto hudobné ceny(Grammy and Brit Awards 2012) a bolo noviniek viac než dosť takže nabudúci týždeň sa budem snažiť tieto príspevky obnoviť :-)
utorok 21. februára 2012
Grammy Awards 2012
*SK*Jednou z popredných udalostí v hudobnej brandži sa minulý týždeň stal 54´ Grammys Awards 2012.Singing hviezdy ako Nicki Minaj,Rihanna,Katy Perry,Bruno Mars či Kelly Clarkson.Hlavnou témou tohtoročného Grammy sa stalo nečakané úmrtie speváckej legendy Whitney Wouston,ktorá sa mala na podujatí taktiež zúčastniť,no ešte v ten deň v Nedelu opustila náš svet,zatial z not find reason.On jej počesť sa na scéne objavila Jennifer Hudson ,zaspievala jej najznámejšiu skladbu "I will always love you" na počesť Whitney.Inside horúcich favoritov na zisk cien sa zaradil aj spevák Bruno Mars či extravagantná Lady Gaga.No ani jednému z nich sa nepodarilo získať čo i len jednu cenu.Round kráľovnou tohtoročného Grammy sa stal šarmantná dáma menom Adele.She have získala až 6 cien a to za nahrávku,skladbu aj album roka.Populary mal aj spevák Kanya West,no ten si odniesol o dve sošky menej ako spomínaná Adele.Around večera sa podarilo získať sošky ešte niektorým umelcom ako Melanie Fiona,Cee-Lo Green,Tonny Bennet,Chris Brown,Foo Fighters či country speváčka Taylor Swift.All nominácie aj víťazov nájdete kompletne na officiálne stránke Grammy,www.grammy.com.
By Bells*
pondelok 13. februára 2012
Your love I´ll remember, forever...
Whitney Houston :)
*CZ*Whitney Houston byla dcerou gospelové zpěvačky Cissy Houstonové, někdejší členky soulové skupiny Sweet Inspirations (zpívala doprovodné vokály Elvisovi Presleymu a Arethe Franklinové) a sestřenicí známé zpěvačky Dionne Warwickové. Od útlého dětství zpívala v kostele a v jedenácti letech se uplatnila v gospelovém souboru The New Hope Baptist Junior Choir. První profesionální zkušenosti získala, když natáčela sborové party skupině Neville Brothers a zpěvačce Chaka Khan. Jako modelka se objevovala na stránkách časopisů Glamor či Seventeen. V 80. letech se prosadila jako interpretka populárních písní, jejíž doménou jsou hlavně táhlé balady se soulovým přídechem. 1983 uzavřela smlouvu s gramofirmou Arista Records a o dva roky později debutovala eponymním albem Whitney Houston, na němž byla zahrnuta také singlová balada Saving All My Love for You, která jí vynesla první cenu Grammy 1985.
Za svou pěveckou činnost získala mj. pět cen Grammy, dvě ceny Emmy a jedenadvacet Amerických hudebních cen. Film. kariéru zahájila tato umělkyně černé pleti rolí velmi úspěšné zpěvačky Rachel Marronové, o jejíž bezpečnost se stará zkušený bodyguard (Kevin Costner), v melodramatickém thrilleru (Osobní strážce), (r. M. Jackson).
Větší herecký prostor dostala v milostném snímku podle románu Terry McMillanové Až si vydechnu (r. F. Whitaker), kde ztělesnila třiatřicetiletou osaměle žijící Savannah Jacksonovou, která se snaží nalézt přijatelného životního partnera. Další herecké možnosti odhalila v úloze Julie Biggsové, manželky unaveného černošského kazatele (Courtney B. Vance), jemuž je seslán z nebe na výpomoc elegantní anděl (Denzel Washington), v romantické komedii Kazatelova žena (r. P. Marshallová). Od 1992 byl jejím manželem rapový zpěvák Bobby Brown, s nímž má dceru Bobbi Kristine. Dvojice se rozvedla v roce 2007.
Whitney Houston zemřela v hotelu Beverly Hilton v Beverly Hills v Kalifornii dne 11.2.2012.
*EN*Whitney Houston was the daughter of gospel singer Cissy Houston, a former member of soul group Sweet Inspirations (Elvis sang backing vocals Presley and Aretha Franklin) and cousin of singer Dionne Warwick known. From early childhood she sang in the church and claimed eleven years in gospel set by The New Hope Baptist Junior Choir.The first professional experience gained when shooting party choral group, Neville Brothers, and singer Chaka Khan. As a model, appeared in the magazine Glamour and Seventeen. In the 80 years, established itself as an interpreter of popular songs, which are mainly the domain of the elongated ballads soul flair. 1983 gramofirmou contract with Arista Records and two years later her debut album Whitney Houston eponymním on which also included a ballad singles Saving All My Love for You, which earned her first Grammy 1985thFor his singing activities won five awards including a Grammy, two Emmys and twenty-one American Music Awards. Film. launched the career of an artist black roles very successful singer Marronové Rachel, for whose safety is an experienced Bodyguard (Kevin Costner), the melodramatic thriller (Bodyguard), (r M. Jackson).Larger acting space was given in love film based on the novel by Terry McMillan Waiting to Exhale (r. F. Whitaker), where thirty-three personified Lone Savannah Jackson, who is trying to find an acceptable partner for life. Another option, the acting in the role of Julie Biggs, wife of tired black preacher (Courtney B. Vance), who is sent down from heaven to help elegant angel (Denzel Washington), in the romantic comedy The Preacher's Wife (dir. P. Marshall). Since 1992, her husband, rap singer Bobby Brown, with whom he has a daughter Bobbi Kristina. The couple divorced in 2007.Whitney Houston died at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California on February 11, 2012.
---Nadporučík policajného oddelenia v Beverly Hills Marc Rosen potvrdil, že smrť speváčky nastala o 15.55 miestneho času v izbe na štvrtom poschodí hotela Hilton v Beverly Hills.
Podľa Rosena bola informácia telefonicky oznámená polícii o 15.43 miestneho času. O pár minút na to Whitney zomrela po neúspešných pokusoch hotelovej ochranky a záchranárov o oživenie.
Vrátiť úpravy späť"Na mieste neboli žiadne očividné znaky, ktoré by dokazovali protiprávny zámer,"
povedal Rosen s tým, že situáciu prešetruje miestna polícia.
Podľa informácií portálu tmz.com speváčku našli vo vani. O tom, že sa utopila
sa zatiaľ len šepká, príčina smrti sa potvrdí po pitve.
Príslušníci polície v hotelovej izbe drogy nenašli, len lieky na predpis a fľaše od alkoholu.
Jeden z najúžasnejších hlasov, ktorý kedy zdobil túto zem, nikdy neupadne do zabudnutia," píše na sociálnej sieti speváčka Mariah Carey, ktorá pred rokmi naspievala s Whitney Houston úspešný duet s názvom "When You Believe". Speváčka ďalej píše, že smrť Whitney, ktorá bola pre ňu priateľkou, je šokujúca, zlomila jej srdce a rozplakala ju.
"Žiadne slová. Iba slzy," dodáva populárna interpretka Rihanna.---
*EN*So, today I have decided to publish the next post, unfortunately, not very long ago, Mrs. zosnulej singer Whitney Houston.She was for me something that is very hard describing in words, something between the Queen and it was really vzorom.She legend, on which I could not even mention it in my blogu.Maybe any of you like to not have some of the reasons (does not matter which), but to whom it seemed at least a little voice to perfection did not have srdce.You know, I hear music styles I like Rihanna or Nicki Minaj and David Guetta.Niekedy in life, comes a moment when you need to turn off the music and such to tune into something altogether different-Whitney's music. tones, the voice, those emotions-this was just what my music súčastnej chýbalo.Pustila I have a song by Whitney, and that it was "I will always love you" or "Dance with Somebody" by voice, it was what I needed a počuť.It was as though my base, to which I have vracala.And board so it's so far and I hope it continues like this bude.Toto was about my views on ňu.It is true that the world lost the next Amy Winehouse an amazing singer and irreplaceable. I personally will miss him famous falsetto in Pieśni "I will always love you" najviac.I want you back: (. RIP Whitney.--- Police Department Lieutenant in Beverly Hills Marc Rosen confirmed that the death occurred singer of 15.55 local time in the room on the fourth floor of the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills.According to Rosen by phone information was reported to the police about 15.43 local time. A few minutes of Whitney died after unsuccessful attempts and the hotel security guard záchranárov to revive.To undo "in the place were no obvious signs that would show unlawful intent," Rosen told the team that investigated the situation of local police.According to the information portal tmz.com singer found in the bath. The fact that drowned the whisper is so far only, cause of death was confirmed by autopsy.
Police officers in the hotel room did not find drugs, only prescription drugs and bottles of alcohol.One of the damnedest voices that ever graced this earth, never does not fall into oblivion, "writes social network songstress Mariah Carey, which years ago with Whitney Houston naspievala successful duet titled" When You Believe. "Singer further writes that the death of Whitney that was for her girlfriend, is shocking, it broke her heart and wept."No words. Only tears," he adds popular performer Rihanna. ---
By Bells*
Príslušníci polície v hotelovej izbe drogy nenašli, len lieky na predpis a fľaše od alkoholu.
Jeden z najúžasnejších hlasov, ktorý kedy zdobil túto zem, nikdy neupadne do zabudnutia," píše na sociálnej sieti speváčka Mariah Carey, ktorá pred rokmi naspievala s Whitney Houston úspešný duet s názvom "When You Believe". Speváčka ďalej píše, že smrť Whitney, ktorá bola pre ňu priateľkou, je šokujúca, zlomila jej srdce a rozplakala ju.
"Žiadne slová. Iba slzy," dodáva populárna interpretka Rihanna.---
*EN*So, today I have decided to publish the next post, unfortunately, not very long ago, Mrs. zosnulej singer Whitney Houston.She was for me something that is very hard describing in words, something between the Queen and it was really vzorom.She legend, on which I could not even mention it in my blogu.Maybe any of you like to not have some of the reasons (does not matter which), but to whom it seemed at least a little voice to perfection did not have srdce.You know, I hear music styles I like Rihanna or Nicki Minaj and David Guetta.Niekedy in life, comes a moment when you need to turn off the music and such to tune into something altogether different-Whitney's music. tones, the voice, those emotions-this was just what my music súčastnej chýbalo.Pustila I have a song by Whitney, and that it was "I will always love you" or "Dance with Somebody" by voice, it was what I needed a počuť.It was as though my base, to which I have vracala.And board so it's so far and I hope it continues like this bude.Toto was about my views on ňu.It is true that the world lost the next Amy Winehouse an amazing singer and irreplaceable. I personally will miss him famous falsetto in Pieśni "I will always love you" najviac.I want you back: (. RIP Whitney.--- Police Department Lieutenant in Beverly Hills Marc Rosen confirmed that the death occurred singer of 15.55 local time in the room on the fourth floor of the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills.According to Rosen by phone information was reported to the police about 15.43 local time. A few minutes of Whitney died after unsuccessful attempts and the hotel security guard záchranárov to revive.To undo "in the place were no obvious signs that would show unlawful intent," Rosen told the team that investigated the situation of local police.According to the information portal tmz.com singer found in the bath. The fact that drowned the whisper is so far only, cause of death was confirmed by autopsy.
Police officers in the hotel room did not find drugs, only prescription drugs and bottles of alcohol.One of the damnedest voices that ever graced this earth, never does not fall into oblivion, "writes social network songstress Mariah Carey, which years ago with Whitney Houston naspievala successful duet titled" When You Believe. "Singer further writes that the death of Whitney that was for her girlfriend, is shocking, it broke her heart and wept."No words. Only tears," he adds popular performer Rihanna. ---
Jej najúspešnejší singel "I will always love you" z filmu "Bodygourd"(Osobný strážca)
Her most successful Singel "I will always love you" from the movie "Bodygourd" (bodyguards)
"I wanna dance with somebody" ;-)
"Your love I´ll remember,forever" práve z jej piesne,odkaz od Nás pre Whitney :)
"Your love I'll remember, forever" law of its songs, link to us from Whitney :)
By Bells*
piatok 10. februára 2012
Cher Llyod životopis / Cher Llyod biography
Cher Llyod (* 28. července 1993, Malvern, Worcestershire, Velká Británie) je britská zpěvačka a raperka, která se stala známou účastí v talentové soutěži X Factor. Její debutový singl, "Swagger Jagger" obdržel smíšené reakce od posluchačů a kritiků, ale i přesto se dostal na vrchol britské hitparády a na druhé místo v irské hitparádě. Její debutové album vyjde 7. listopadu 2011.
Momentálně bydlí v Malvernu se svými rodiči, Darrenem a Dinou a se třemi mladšími sourozenci, bratrem Joshem a sestrami Sophií a Rosie. Cher je zčásti Polka, ale polsky neumí. Po své matce má rómský původ. V Malvernu studovala umění.
Před X Factorem, Cher soutěžila v soutěži inspirované X Factorem Sin and Bushwackers' Text Factor, ve které skončila druhá.
Roku 2010 se zúčastnila X Factoru, kde hned při prvním výstupu ohromila porotu svojí verzí písničky "Turn My Swag On". V bootcampu zpívala a rapovala písničku "Viva la Vida", kde si přidala svá slova, která si prý napsala sama. Ohledně toho se záhy objevily informace, že použila slova z písničky od rapera Swizze Beatze. Poté Cher vysvětlila, že se v televizi nevysílalo celé její vystoupení a nezazněly tak slova, která si sama napsala. V Domě porotců zazpívala píseň "Cooler Than Me", ale postihla jí krční infekce a nebyla schopná dokončit svoji píseň. Byla jí dána druhá šance, ale nedokázala zpívat dál. Přesto byla vybrána jako jedna ze tří děvčat mentorky Cheryl Cole do finále.
*EN* Biography
Cher Lloyd (born 28th July 1993, Malvern, Worcestershire, United Kingdom) is a British singer and raperka, which became known participation in a talent contest X Factor. Her debut single, "Swagger Jagger" has received mixed reactions from audiences and critics, but still got to top the British charts and the second in the Irish charts. Her debut album comes out 7th November 2011.
The beginnings of a personal life
Currently lives in Malvern with her parents, Darren and Dina and three younger siblings, brother Josh and sisters Sophie and Rosie. Cher is partly Polka, but can not polish. After his mother is of Roma origin. She studied art in Malvern.
Before the X factors •, Cher competed in the contest inspired by the X factors • Sin and Bushwackers' Text Factor, in which they finished second.
X Factor
In 2010 took part in X Factor, where the first exit immediately impressed the jury his version of the song "Turn My Swag On". In bootcamp and rapovala sang the song "Viva la Vida", where they joined their words that you said she wrote herself. Regarding the information soon discovered that the words used in songs by rapper Swizz Beatz. Then Cher explained that it not broadcast on television throughout her performance and nezazněly the words that she wrote herself. The House of the judges sang the song "Cooler Than Me", but hit her throat infection and was unable to finish his song. She was given a second chance, but did not sing on. Yet she was selected as one of three girls mentor Cheryl Cole in the final.
P.S:Fotka hore,je upravená odo mňa :) (Moja obľúbená,z výtvarnej)/The photo above is adapted from me :) (My favorite, from fine art)
By Bells*
News :)
Zooey Deschanel (Yes man) a šušká sa o tom,že spolu randia.Nebolo by na to nič nezvyčajné ak by sa Zooey neskutočne nepodobala na Katy,priam akoby jej z oka vypadla,posúde sami.
*EN*Is up next week and I'm back here again with other news :-) I tried to publish some during the week post, but time did not allow me, therefore I am here only once a week, thanks :) Again, I bring you a snippet of Katy Perry. Indeed, her husband Russell Brand is to be found alongside actresses
Zooey Deschanel (Yes Man) and is even said that along dating.Don 't would be nothing unusual if Zooey is extremely resembled the Katy, almost as if it fell out of the eye, assess yourself.
*EN*Another report is of an elegant singer of Barbarossa which I will also last week sayed.It 'Rihanna.Now to the singer revealed in the world with blond hair who is about to deploy on any color time.New endured, because of the shooting in an American magazine, but confirmed that the blonde is really going to keep for a long age.Hear have had occasion to change the cover photo shoot and his achievement by commenting: "Back to work. first cover of this year." This is one of the first photos released by the his Twitter.
*SK*A na záver tu mám taktiež zmenu zovňajšku.Tentoraz premiérová Victoria Beckham u mňa v blogu.Iba 7 mesiacov!Presne toľko uplinulo od narodenie malej Harper Seven Backham Vicorii a Davidovi Backhamovi.A po rekordnom čase sa každý pýta,ako mohla Vicoria za tak krátky čas schudnúť.Dokazujú to jej najnovšie fotky,v ktorých niesú ani len stopy po nejakom brušku.Dokonca vyplávali na povrch aj nejaké špekulácie medii,či nie je Victoria anorektička,o čom ja osobne pochybujem.Aj tak je jej "záhadné" schudnutie veľmi zvlášte.Tu sú jej spomínané fotky:
*EN*And finally, here I also change its image.Now premiere Victoria Beckham for me blogu.Only in 7 months! Just so much passed since the birth of little Seven Harper and David Beckham Vicorii Backhamovi.A to record each time asking how to Vicor for the short time to get rid of it tummy.Tell to the latest photos, which are not all or only some traces tummy.Finally rise to the top and some media speculation that it is not anorexic Victoria, which i personally do not and so think.And is the "mysterious" losing weight is very zvlášte.Tu the aforementioned photos:
The photo, which was established shortly after the birth of little Harper.
7-mesačná Harper teraz :) Veľmi rozkošná ;)
7-month Harper now :) Very cute;)
sobota 4. februára 2012
News :)
*SK*Aj dnes Vám opať po dvoch týždňoch prinášam príspevky news,ktoré sa nedávno objavili vo svete.Ako 1.new mám pre Vás speváčku barbadoského pôvodu umeckým menom,ktoré je známe po celom svete-Rihannu.Do médii sa totiž dostala informácie,že pred nedávnom kúpila obraz Marilyn Monroe.Nie však obyčajný obraz,ale obraz posiati kryštálmi Swarowski,za ktorý zaplatila okolo $ 160.000,čo je u nás okolo 112 580 eur.Ukážku obrazu nájdete nižšie.
*EN*Today we once again after two weeks, I bring news articles that appeared recently in the world. 1.New I have for you the Barbados singer origin umelecz name that is known around the world, in fact Rihanna.In media was informed that recently bought a painting Marilyn Monroe.It but no ordinary painting, but painting studded with Swarovski crystal, in which paid about $ 160,000, which is around us at 112 580 euros. The image below.
*SK*Ďalšia novinka je o speváčke a herečke Miley Cyrus,krorá je vzorom miliónom týnedžeriek.Americké médiia,vypátrali čo je dôsledkom jej štáhlej postavy.O Miley bolo známe,že je zástancom svojej figúry a nemienila rapídne chudnúť,kedže o jej stavbe tela,diskutujú mnohí ľudia.No podľa najnovších informáciii Miley skutočne schudla,a hovorí sa o tom,že za jej schudnutie môže odborná pomoc,za ktorú Miley musela zaplatiť nejeden dolár.Podľa mňa,zaujímavé :)
*EN*Another novelty is the singer and actress Miley Cyrus, which you will find a model to millions teenegers.American medium were detected as a result of the downloaded body.About Miley has been known to be a supporter of his figures and did not intend to lose weight rapidly, since the construction of the body, discussing many people.But, according to the latest information Miley actually lost weight, and it is said that losing weight can be its technical assistance for which Miley had to pay many dolar.In my view, interesting :)
October 2011 :)
January 2012 :)
*SK*Na záver by som Vám chcela predstaviť speváčku,ktorá svoju spevácku kariéru odštartovala len prednedávnom a v tejto súvislovsti by som vám chcela ako "news" predstaviť jej nová album s názvom "Born to die".Reč je o americkej speváčke Elizabeth Grant,ktoré si tiež hovorí aj Lana Del Rey :)Bulvár ju už stihol prirovnať k speváčkam veľkosti Amy Winehouse,či Adele,a hovorí sa o nej tiež,ako o nástupkyni Katy Perry,či Rihanny.A toto všetko kvôli jednúmu klipu s názvom "Video Game" ktoré sa za niekoľko dní stalo známe po celom svete.Toto video si totiž Lana,natočila,zostrihala,naspievala,skrátka celé video je len a len jej práca.Má 25 rokov a na celom svete sa predpokladá že jej kariéra len tak nezhasne jedným hitom.Jej prvý album vyšiel 25.Januára 2012 s názvom,ako som už spomínala "Born to die",a podla mňa si na ňom každý niečo nájde.Taktiež 14.Januára vyšiel jej debutový klip k piesni "Born to die" a tento vydeoklip si an sociálnej stránke "Youtube" stihlo pustiť už vyše 17 miliónov ľudí.Ja osobne jej prajem,aby sa jej splnili ciele,aby sa jej darilo v hudbe,pretože má krásny hlas a naozaj jej krásu by som skutočne chcela vlastniť :)
*EN*Finally I would like to introduce the singer to his singing career started only recently in this post I would like to as "news" to present her new album titled "Born to die." We are talking about the American singer Elizabeth Grant, which also also says Lana Del Rey Boulevard :) it has managed to be compared to the size of singer Amy Winehouse, and Adele, and talk about it also, as the successor of Katy Perry or Rihanny.A all this because of one clip with the title "Video Game" to to a few days became known around the svete.This video is Lana, filmed, edited, sung, just the whole video is just and only the work.She has 25 years, and the world is expected that her career just goes out one hit . Her first album was released January 25, 2012 called, as I said "Born to die", and I think on him every thing found. The 14.Januára released its debut video for the song "Born to die" and this video to your social site "Youtube" sustained the release for more than 17 million people.Iosobne her wish to meet its objectives, that it succeeded in the music because it has a beautiful voice and her beauty really, I really wanted to own :)
Dokonalá to žena :)
Jej prvý klip,ktorý si vyrobila úplne sama :)
Klip k piesni "Born to die" :)
By Bells :)
*EN*Today we once again after two weeks, I bring news articles that appeared recently in the world. 1.New I have for you the Barbados singer origin umelecz name that is known around the world, in fact Rihanna.In media was informed that recently bought a painting Marilyn Monroe.It but no ordinary painting, but painting studded with Swarovski crystal, in which paid about $ 160,000, which is around us at 112 580 euros. The image below.
*SK*Ďalšia novinka je o speváčke a herečke Miley Cyrus,krorá je vzorom miliónom týnedžeriek.Americké médiia,vypátrali čo je dôsledkom jej štáhlej postavy.O Miley bolo známe,že je zástancom svojej figúry a nemienila rapídne chudnúť,kedže o jej stavbe tela,diskutujú mnohí ľudia.No podľa najnovších informáciii Miley skutočne schudla,a hovorí sa o tom,že za jej schudnutie môže odborná pomoc,za ktorú Miley musela zaplatiť nejeden dolár.Podľa mňa,zaujímavé :)
*EN*Another novelty is the singer and actress Miley Cyrus, which you will find a model to millions teenegers.American medium were detected as a result of the downloaded body.About Miley has been known to be a supporter of his figures and did not intend to lose weight rapidly, since the construction of the body, discussing many people.But, according to the latest information Miley actually lost weight, and it is said that losing weight can be its technical assistance for which Miley had to pay many dolar.In my view, interesting :)
January 2012 :)
*SK*Na záver by som Vám chcela predstaviť speváčku,ktorá svoju spevácku kariéru odštartovala len prednedávnom a v tejto súvislovsti by som vám chcela ako "news" predstaviť jej nová album s názvom "Born to die".Reč je o americkej speváčke Elizabeth Grant,ktoré si tiež hovorí aj Lana Del Rey :)Bulvár ju už stihol prirovnať k speváčkam veľkosti Amy Winehouse,či Adele,a hovorí sa o nej tiež,ako o nástupkyni Katy Perry,či Rihanny.A toto všetko kvôli jednúmu klipu s názvom "Video Game" ktoré sa za niekoľko dní stalo známe po celom svete.Toto video si totiž Lana,natočila,zostrihala,naspievala,skrátka celé video je len a len jej práca.Má 25 rokov a na celom svete sa predpokladá že jej kariéra len tak nezhasne jedným hitom.Jej prvý album vyšiel 25.Januára 2012 s názvom,ako som už spomínala "Born to die",a podla mňa si na ňom každý niečo nájde.Taktiež 14.Januára vyšiel jej debutový klip k piesni "Born to die" a tento vydeoklip si an sociálnej stránke "Youtube" stihlo pustiť už vyše 17 miliónov ľudí.Ja osobne jej prajem,aby sa jej splnili ciele,aby sa jej darilo v hudbe,pretože má krásny hlas a naozaj jej krásu by som skutočne chcela vlastniť :)
*EN*Finally I would like to introduce the singer to his singing career started only recently in this post I would like to as "news" to present her new album titled "Born to die." We are talking about the American singer Elizabeth Grant, which also also says Lana Del Rey Boulevard :) it has managed to be compared to the size of singer Amy Winehouse, and Adele, and talk about it also, as the successor of Katy Perry or Rihanny.A all this because of one clip with the title "Video Game" to to a few days became known around the svete.This video is Lana, filmed, edited, sung, just the whole video is just and only the work.She has 25 years, and the world is expected that her career just goes out one hit . Her first album was released January 25, 2012 called, as I said "Born to die", and I think on him every thing found. The 14.Januára released its debut video for the song "Born to die" and this video to your social site "Youtube" sustained the release for more than 17 million people.Iosobne her wish to meet its objectives, that it succeeded in the music because it has a beautiful voice and her beauty really, I really wanted to own :)
Dokonalá to žena :)
By Bells :)
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